Would you like to spend less time on social media? It seems many of us agree. An online question asked, “What does it mean if a person doesn’t want to be on a site like Facebook?”. The answer read:
Look at the [sweet] lady in this photo as stars arrive for a movie premier. While others rush to post photos, she was able to soak in the entire experience. It’s the best reminder I’ve seen to log off Facebook and occasionally put down the cell phone.
Original post here.
This lady may or may not have a Facebook account but as an infrequent user myself, the popularity contest of trying to get the most “likes” just isn’t that appealing when compared to other things a person can do with their time".
Oddly enough, this article has over 880,000 views and 27,000 upvotes so maybe there are a lot of us that want to log off just a bit more often.
Interested in an idea that may help spend less time on social media? Cards & Conversation include over 200 fantastic conversation starters that range from funny and imaginative to deep and thought provoking. Best of all they are appropriate for family, friends, coworkers, and groups of all types. We look great on your coffee table or dinner table. Grab snacks or a glass of wine and start a truly meaningful conversation with the people that matter to you. Cards & Conversation is available here or on Amazon.
The cards have really great questions that I have never even thought to ask my husband of 10 years.
by: S. Lammy
We leave them on our dinner table. My kids like taking turns drawing a card or 2 each night.
by: N. Keating
[I played] with coworkers. The conversation can be about small things or lead to bigger, different topics.
by: C
I sat with our grandkids and played it around the table. They later wanted to play with their parents.
by: Wilma D
I heard my family talk and laugh about things they never have before.
by: Misty L
We sat for more than three hours and truly communicated....something that we are often to busy to do.
by: Joan
Cards & Conversation includes hours of great topics to share laughs, tell stories, and connect. We truly believe these are the best conversation cards available and hope you do too. Order on Amazon or click the link below and we'll ship direct to your door. From our family to yours, we wish you many great conversations.