One essential item for your holiday gathering with friends and family

Ready to make your next friend or family gathering special? Great conversation can transform a get-together into a memorable experience. So, what do you talk about? Some people make small talk about weather, work, or sports. Others discuss controversial gossip and politics. Then there are the awkward silences, shy people, and the missed chance to connect with someone across the table. If any of these sounds familiar, you are ready for Cards & Conversation.

Cards & Conversation includes over 200 great conversation starters on traditional playing cards. They are great for friends, family, and groups of all types. Unlike other conversation cards, each card includes 4 topics to choose from. This reduces the chance of asking an awkward question for the group. Best of all, traditional playing cards allow you to enjoy all your favorite card games, such as Poker, Gin-Rummy, Memory, or Go-Fish. 

"We played this game at a family gathering. It was fun and opened a lot of doors to deeper conversations."

by: LeAnn

"I got these for a family gathering, where the cousins don't see each other all the time, and there are often lulls. There are several leads on each card, so we played by having people take turns pulling a card and throwing out one of the questions. It was fun and a great way to get to know each other better stress-free. Much less expensive than some of the better-known games, and just as effective."

by: Crawfish Queen

"Hubby and I used these cards to pass the time during an 8 hour drive. We had such a blast!"

by: The Browns

"We bought these to help our family ask better questions instead of the same old, "How are you? What's new?" It went great over Thanksgiving! I heard my family laugh and talk about things they never have before. 

by: Misty Louie

"Wow, this was a hit at one of the Christmas parties I attended. Our table really had fun, and interesting conversations using the questions on the cards. We sat for more than three hours and truly communicated....something that we are often to busy to do."

by: Joan M. Leaver

Cards & Conversation is based in Denver, CO. We truly believe these are the best conversation cards for your holiday dinner table or family gathering and hope you do too. Order on Amazon or click the link below and we'll ship direct to your door. If you are also gift shopping, order 4 or more at the same time and you will automatically receive a 20% discount. From our family to yours, we wish you many great conversations.

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