A road rage story that kind of describes America right now
Posted by Chris on 10/9/2020 to
Change the World
I was recently driving home along a busy street. A vehicle was fast approaching and began to swerve. I tapped the horn to let him know I was in his blind spot. That's when it happened. The driver slammed on his brakes, jumped out of the car and
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Questions about Mental Health
Posted by Chris on 8/26/2020 to
Change the World
Welcome to the “Change the World” series, by Cards & Conversation. This article asks questions about mental health stigma and concepts. If you would rather talk with someone about your mental health or theirs, please scroll down and click
Healthcare Insurance in the USA - 7 Questions
Posted by Chris on 7/28/2020 to
Change the World
What should healthcare insurance in the USA look like? I’m not here to pitch an idea. This doesn’t have a political or personal agenda. The Cards & Conversation series asks tough questions and invites conversation. As a person with
How fast does shipping need to be?
Posted by Chris on 7/16/2020 to
Change the World
I accidentally began an experiment in early 2018. My mailbox and approximately 200 others are clustered about one-half block down the street. I’d walk to pick up the mail most days of the week and promptly deposit most of it in the recycle bin.
Should we reopen schools?
Posted by Chris on 7/8/2020 to
Change the World
Should we reopen schools this fall? I'm genuinely asking and you might be also. I'm not here to pitch an idea. This doesn't have a political or personal agenda. The Cards & Conversation Change the World series asks tough questions and invites
7 Free Racism Conversation Starters
Posted by Chris on 7/7/2020 to
Change the World
Welcome to the Change the World series. Racism can be a difficult topic and that is part of the reason these are conversations worth having. No purchase or download required. These conversations topics might make you feel uncomfortable. That's